The Ultimate Guide for Ruby on Rails Interview Questions for Freshers

Preparing for a Ruby on Rails interview as a fresher? Our comprehensive guide is here to help you succeed! This article covers essential Ruby on Rails interview questions and answers tailored specifically for beginners. You’ll learn about the fundamentals of Rails, including MVC architecture, RESTful design, and ActiveRecord. We also delve into key concepts like migrations, associations, and validations. Each question is followed by clear, concise answers and examples to illustrate the core concepts.

Whether you’re gearing up for your first Rails job or looking to solidify your knowledge, this guide provides the insights you need to impress potential employers. Dive in, and get ready to ace your Ruby on Rails interviews with confidence!

Ruby on Rails Interview Questions for Freshers

Top Ruby on Rails Interview Questions for Freshers

Q1. What are modules in Ruby, and how are they used?
Ans: Modules in Ruby are a way to group together related methods, constants, and class variables. They serve two main purposes: namespacing and mixins. Namespacing helps prevent name clashes by grouping related methods under a module. Mixins allow modules to be included in classes, adding functionalities without using inheritance.


module Greet
  def say_hello

class Person
  include Greet

person =
puts person.say_hello  # Output: Hello!

Q2. What is the difference between nil and false in Ruby?
Ans: In Ruby, nil represents the absence of a value or “nothing”, whereas false is a boolean value. Both evaluate to false in conditional expressions, but they are distinct objects. nil is an instance of the NilClass, and false is an instance of the FalseClass.


puts nil.class   # Output: NilClass
puts false.class # Output: FalseClass

if !nil
  puts "nil is falsey"  # This will print

if !false
  puts "false is falsey"  # This will also print

Q3. Explain Ruby data types?
Ans: Ruby has several built-in data types:

  • Numbers: Includes integers (Integer), floating-point numbers (Float).
  • Strings: Represents sequences of characters (String).
  • Symbols: Immutable, unique identifiers (Symbol).
  • Hashes: Key-value pairs (Hash).
  • Arrays: Ordered collections of objects (Array).
  • Booleans: Represents true or false values (TrueClass and FalseClass).
  • Nil: Represents an absence of value (NilClass).


number = 42         # Integer
pi = 3.14           # Float
name = "Alice"      # String
status = :active    # Symbol
options = { color: "blue", size: "large" }  # Hash
items = [1, 2, 3]   # Array
is_valid = true     # Boolean
no_value = nil      # Nil

Q4. What is the purpose of the yield keyword in Ruby?
Ans: The yield keyword in Ruby is used to transfer control from a method to a block provided to that method. It allows methods to call the block passed to them, facilitating callbacks and code reusability.


def greet
  yield "Alice"
  yield "Bob"

greet { |name| puts "Hello, #{name}!" }
# Output:
# Hello, Alice!
# Hello, Bob!

Q5. How does Ruby support multi-threading or concurrency?
Ans: Ruby supports multi-threading using the Thread class, which allows you to create and manage multiple threads of execution. This facilitates concurrent operations within a Ruby program.


thread1 = { sleep(1); puts "Thread 1" }
thread2 = { sleep(1); puts "Thread 2" }

# Output:
# Thread 1
# Thread 2

Q6. What is Ruby programming language?
Ans: Ruby is a dynamic, open-source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write. Ruby was created by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto in the mid-1990s and combines parts of Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp.

Q7. What is the purpose of the attr_accessor, attr_reader, and attr_writer methods in Ruby classes?
Ans: These methods are used to define getter and setter methods for instance variables in Ruby classes:

  • attr_accessor: Creates both getter and setter methods.
  • attr_reader: Creates only a getter method.
  • attr_writer: Creates only a setter method.


class Person
  attr_accessor :name
  attr_reader :age
  attr_writer :address

  def initialize(name, age, address)
    @name = name
    @age = age
    @address = address

person ="Alice", 30, "123 Street")
puts     # Output: Alice = "Bob"
puts     # Output: Bob
puts person.age      # Output: 30
person.address = "456 Avenue"

Q8. What is RubyGems in Ruby programming language?
Ans: RubyGems is a package manager for the Ruby programming language that provides a standard format for distributing Ruby programs and libraries (gems). It also provides a tool for managing the installation of gems and a server for hosting them.

Q9. How does Ruby handle exceptions and what are some commonly used exception handling keywords?
Ans: Ruby uses the begin, rescue, ensure, and raise keywords to handle exceptions. The begin block contains code that might raise an exception, rescue handles the exception, ensure contains code that always runs, and raise generates an exception.


  result = 10 / 0
rescue ZeroDivisionError => e
  puts "Error: #{e.message}"
  puts "This code always runs"
# Output:
# Error: divided by 0
# This code always runs

Q10. Explain the concept of duck typing in Ruby.
Ans: Duck typing in Ruby is a concept where the type or class of an object is less important than the methods it defines and the behavior it exhibits. If an object behaves like a particular type (i.e., it “quacks” like a duck), it can be used as that type.


def print_name(object)

class Person
  def name

class Company
  def name
    "Acme Corp"

puts print_name(  # Output: Alice
puts print_name( # Output: Acme Corp

Q11. How does Ruby handle method overloading and method overriding?
Ans: Ruby does not support method overloading (multiple methods with the same name but different parameters). Instead, you can use default arguments or variable-length argument lists. Method overriding allows a subclass to provide a specific implementation of a method already defined in its superclass.

Example of default arguments:

def greet(name, message = "Hello")
  "#{message}, #{name}!"

puts greet("Alice")         # Output: Hello, Alice!
puts greet("Alice", "Hi")   # Output: Hi, Alice!

Example of method overriding:

class Animal
  def speak

class Dog < Animal
  def speak

dog =
puts dog.speak  # Output: Woof

Q12. Explain for loop in Ruby.
Ans: The for loop in Ruby iterates over a range, array, or other enumerable objects. It is less commonly used than the each method but serves a similar purpose.


for i in 1..3
  puts i
# Output:
# 1
# 2
# 3

Q13. Explain case statement in Ruby.
Ans: The case statement in Ruby is used for multi-way branching. It compares an expression against a series of values using when clauses and executes the corresponding block.


grade = 'B'

case grade
when 'A'
  puts "Excellent!"
when 'B'
  puts "Good!"
when 'C'
  puts "Average"
  puts "Unknown grade"
# Output: Good!

Q14. What is the significance of symbols in Ruby?
Ans: Symbols in Ruby are immutable, unique identifiers often used as keys in hashes or for referencing method and variable names. They are more memory efficient than strings because the same symbol is reused throughout a program.


status = :active
puts status  # Output: active

hash = {name: "Alice", status: :active}
puts hash[:name]   # Output: Alice
puts hash[:status] # Output: active

Q15. Explain Ruby if-else statement.
Ans: The if-else statement in Ruby executes code based on a condition. If the condition is true, the if block is executed; otherwise, the else block is executed.


age = 18

if age >= 18
  puts "You are an adult."
  puts "You are a minor."
# Output: You are an adult.

Q16. How can you include a module in a class in Ruby?
Ans: You can include a module in a class using the include keyword. This adds the module’s methods as instance methods in the class.


module Greet
  def say_hello

class Person
  include Greet

person =
puts person.say_hello  # Output: Hello!

Q17. How does Ruby handle memory management and garbage collection?
Ans: Ruby uses automatic memory management and garbage collection to free up memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use. Ruby’s garbage collector is typically a mark-and-sweep algorithm, which tracks object references and cleans up unreferenced objects.

Q18. Explain the concept of method chaining in Ruby with an example.
Ans: Method chaining in Ruby allows multiple methods to be called in a single line, where each method returns an object that can be further operated on by the next method in the chain.


class StringModifier
  def initialize(str)
    @str = str

  def upcase!

  def reverse!

  def to_s

modifier ="hello")
puts modifier.upcase!.reverse!.to_s  # Output: OLLEH

Q19. Explain the difference between a local variable and an instance variable in Ruby.
Ans: Local variables are declared within a method and are only accessible within that method. Instance variables begin with @ and are accessible within the instance of the class in which they are declared.


class Person
  def set_name(name)
    @name = name      # Instance variable
    local_name = name # Local variable

  def get_name

person =
puts person.get_name       # Output: Alice
# puts person.local_name   # Error: undefined local variable or method `local_name'

Q20. What is the use of load and require in Ruby?
Ans: Both load and require are used to include external files in Ruby. require loads a file only once, preventing multiple inclusions, while load loads a file every time it is called.


# require 'myfile'   # Loads myfile.rb once
# load 'myfile.rb'   # Loads myfile.rb every time it is called

Q21. List some features of Ruby.
Ans: Some features of Ruby include:

  • Dynamic Typing: Types are determined at runtime.
  • Garbage Collection: Automatic memory management.
  • Object-Oriented: Everything is an object, including primitive data types.
  • Expressive Syntax: Easy to read and write.
  • Mixins: Modules can be included in classes to share behavior.
  • Exception Handling: Built-in support for handling errors.
  • Reflection: Inspect and modify program structure at runtime.

Q22. Explain the concept of inheritance in Ruby classes.
Ans: Inheritance in Ruby allows a class to inherit methods, variables, and behavior from another class using the < symbol. The subclass can override methods from the superclass and add additional methods and properties.


class Animal
  def speak

class Dog < Animal
  def speak

dog =
puts dog.speak  # Output: Woof

Q23. What is the purpose of the self keyword in Ruby?
Ans: The self keyword in Ruby refers to the current object within instance methods. It is used to access instance variables and methods. In class methods, self refers to the class itself.


class Person
  attr_accessor :name

  def initialize(name)
    @name = name

  def display_name
    puts "Name: #{}"

  def self.greet
    puts "Hello from the class method!"

person ="Alice")
person.display_name      # Output: Name: Alice
Person.greet             # Output: Hello from the class method!

Q24. Why Ruby is known as a language of flexibility?
Ans: Ruby is known as a language of flexibility due to its dynamic nature, ability to easily modify classes and methods at runtime, support for metaprogramming, and a syntax that allows for multiple ways to achieve the same result.

Q25. What is Ruby variables?
Ans: Variables in Ruby are used to store data that can be referenced and manipulated. Types of variables include:

  • Local Variables: Declared within methods.
  • Instance Variables: Prefixed with @ and available throughout the instance of a class.
  • Class Variables: Prefixed with @@ and shared among all instances of a class.
  • Global Variables: Prefixed with $ and accessible from anywhere in the program.


$global_var = "I am a global variable"
class Example
  @@class_var = "I am a class variable"
  def initialize
    @instance_var = "I am an instance variable"

  def show_variables
    local_var = "I am a local variable"
    puts local_var
    puts @instance_var
    puts @@class_var
    puts $global_var

example =
# Output:
# I am a local variable
# I am an instance variable
# I am a class variable
# I am a global variable

Q26. Can you explain the concept of blocks and how they are used in Ruby?
Ans: Blocks in Ruby are chunks of code enclosed between do...end or curly braces {...} that can be passed to methods as arguments. Blocks can be invoked using the yield keyword or using the call method on a Proc object.


def greet
  yield "Alice"
  yield "Bob"

greet { |name| puts "Hello, #{name}!" }
# Output:
# Hello, Alice!
# Hello, Bob!

Q27. Explain while loop in Ruby?
Ans: The while loop in Ruby repeatedly executes a block of code as long as a specified condition is true.


count = 1
while count <= 3
  puts count
  count += 1
# Output:
# 1
# 2
# 3

Q28. Explain do while loop in Ruby?
Ans: Ruby does not have a native do while loop, but you can achieve similar functionality using a begin...end while loop, which ensures that the block of code is executed at least once before the condition is checked.


count = 1
  puts count
  count += 1
end while count <= 3
# Output:
# 1
# 2
# 3

Q29. Explain until loop in Ruby?
Ans: The until loop in Ruby executes a block of code until a specified condition becomes true.


count = 1
until count > 3
  puts count
  count += 1
# Output:
# 1
# 2
# 3

Q30. Name some operators used in Ruby?
Ans: Some operators in Ruby include:

  • Arithmetic Operators: +, -, *, /, %
  • Comparison Operators: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=
  • Assignment Operators: =, +=, -=, *=, /=
  • Logical Operators: &&, ||, !
  • Bitwise Operators: &, |, ^, ~, <<, >>

Q31. Explain break statement in Ruby?
Ans: The break statement in Ruby is used to exit a loop early, before the loop condition has been met or the loop has iterated through all elements.


count = 1
while count <= 5
  break if count == 3
  puts count
  count += 1
# Output:
# 1
# 2

Q32. Who is the developer of Ruby?
Ans: Ruby was developed by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto, a Japanese computer scientist, in the mid-1990s.

Q33. Explain some differences between Ruby and Python?
Ans: Some differences between Ruby and Python include:

  • Syntax: Ruby is more flexible with syntax, allowing multiple ways to achieve the same result. Python has a more strict and uniform syntax.
  • Philosophy: Ruby follows the principle of “There is more than one way to do it” (TIMTOWTDI), while Python follows “There should be one—and preferably only one—obvious way to do it” (TOOWTDI).
  • Blocks and Lambdas: Ruby has a more elegant handling of blocks, whereas Python uses lambda functions and list comprehensions.
  • Community and Libraries: Python has a larger community and a wider array of libraries for scientific computing, data analysis, and machine learning. Ruby is more popular for web development with frameworks like Rails.

Q34. What are regular expressions in Ruby, and how are they used?
Ans: Regular expressions in Ruby are used for pattern matching and text manipulation. They are created using /pattern/ syntax and can be used with methods like match, scan, sub, and gsub.


text = "The quick brown fox"
if text =~ /quick/
  puts "Match found"

puts text.gsub(/quick/, "slow")  # Output: The slow brown fox

Q35. What are class libraries in Ruby?
Ans: Class libraries in Ruby are collections of pre-written code that provide functionalities like handling strings, dates, file I/O, networking, and more. These libraries can be included in Ruby programs using require.

Q36. Can you differentiate between puts, print, and p in Ruby?

  • puts: Outputs a string to the console with a newline at the end.
  • print: Outputs a string to the console without a newline.
  • p: Outputs the value of an object to the console, using its inspect method, which is useful for debugging.


puts "Hello"
print "Hello"
p "Hello"
# Output:
# Hello
# HelloHello
# "Hello"

Q37. Write the command to get installed Ruby version in your system?
Ans: The command to get the installed Ruby version is:

ruby -v

Q38. How does Ruby support object-oriented programming (OOP)?
Ans: Ruby supports object-oriented programming by allowing the creation of classes and objects. It supports concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and mixins. Everything in Ruby is an object, including primitive data types.


class Person
  attr_accessor :name

  def initialize(name)
    @name = name

  def greet
    "Hello, #{@name}"

person ="Alice")
puts person.greet  # Output: Hello, Alice

Q39. What are symbols and how are they different from strings in Ruby?
Ans: Symbols in Ruby are immutable, unique identifiers used mainly as keys in hashes or for referencing method names. Unlike strings, symbols are only stored once in memory, making them more efficient for certain uses.


str1 = "hello"
str2 = "hello"
puts str1.object_id == str2.object_id  # Output: false

sym1 = :hello
sym2 = :hello
puts sym1.object_id == sym2.object_id  # Output: true

Q40. What is the significance of symbols in Ruby?
Ans: Symbols in Ruby are significant because they are immutable and unique, making them more memory-efficient and faster than strings when used repeatedly. This efficiency makes symbols ideal for use as keys in hashes, for method names, and for representing states or identifiers. Unlike strings, each symbol is stored only once in memory, which reduces memory overhead and improves performance.


# Using symbols as keys in a hash
person = {name: "Alice", age: 30, status: :active}

puts person[:name]   # Output: Alice
puts person[:status] # Output: active

# Symbols remain the same object in memory
puts :name.object_id == :name.object_id  # Output: true

# Strings create a new object each time
puts "name".object_id == "name".object_id  # Output: false

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